Teaching Resource Kit
Resource Kit for teachers, prepared by Lynn Kalmin and the New South Wales Bridge Association Council with input from many of Sydney's most prominent teachers and Joan Butts, the ABF National Teaching Coordinator (2014) and updated by Cath Whiddon in May, 2015.
- 3 books by Derrick Browne
Beginners' Bridge $14.95 rrp Beginners' Play $14.95 rrp Improvers' Bridge $16.95 rrp There are additional book in the series.
- Links to various sites on the internet where teachers can find invaluable support.
- An outline of a lesson "From Bridge to Whist" by Ron Klinger.
- Notes to accompany a lesson on "Opening and Responding" prepared by Lynn Kalmin.
- Suggestions for running supervised sessions.
- Frequently asked questions & suggestions.
- Additional promotional material featuring Joan Butts & V-Blue Tutoring program from the Bridge Shop.
We want this kit to be the beginning rather than the end of an association between Council and bridge teachers throughout New South Wales. If you would like to order the kit, or require any further assistance, please contact
The NSWBA charges $10 for the kit to cover the cost of postage.
We look forward to hearing from you and sharing your input with others.
We thank everyone who has participated in the preparation of our Resource Kit and hope that you find it helpful.