Club Handbook> Calendar


A schedule of the club's proposed sessions, which will usually be based on the previous year's programme, should be produced each year. Clubs need to be aware of the tournament hierarchy that exists. The dates for the major national championships (ABF Licensed Events) are set first, followed by the NSWBA's major state championships, followed by congresses held by the affiliated clubs. It is the job of the NSWBA's Congress Co-ordinator to receive requests for congresses from the clubs and construct a yearly calendar that minimises clashes between nearby congresses, State, ABF and international events.

The dates for these events are shown on the the NSWBA's calendar pages. When setting their yearly programme of club events, clubs should particularly note the dates of nearby congresses, major bridge events and public holidays that are likely to affect their members.

NSWBA Calendar

NSWBA Draft Calendar


Masterpoints are issued by clubs for each session of bridge held. Each club is allowed to hold a certain number of B4c sessions that attract red masterpoints and can be used for the club's major championships. The Club List on the Masterpoint Centre's website displays your club's yearly B4c allowance.

ABF Masterpoint Centre Club List

State Championships

In addition, there are a number of State Championship events run by the NSWBA that begin with qualifying sessions in the affiliated clubs. These are run under the NSWBA's B or B4s allowance. They are the best way (cheaper and with higher weighting) to run club sessions that award red masterpoints. The relevant state events are listed on the NSWBA's State events page.

NSWBA State Events


Each club is also eligible to hold heats for the GNOT. This is the only event on the calendar that allows clubs to award Gold masterpoints.