Tournaments> State> 2023 NSW State Wide Pairs

2023 NSW State Wide Pairs

1-7 August 2023

In 2023 the NSW State Wide Pairs will run for one session only during the first week in August.

Hands are provided together with a booklet, which features brief commentary on each deal for perusal at the completion of the session. The event is then scored across all participating clubs and overall winners determined.

Cash prizes are presented, as well as gift vouchers from the Bridge Shop and certificates for the winners in each club. Prizes are also awarded in the restricted divisions of Under 25, Under 50 and Under 100 masterpoints (as at 30th June 2023).

For Clubs

Enter your club

All participating clubs will receive detailed instructions by email in mid-June. These will explain how to access the dealing files and hand records and how to submit your results to be scored.

Club Administration Log In

2023 Results

There were 457 pairs competing this year, fractionally below the pre-pandemic maximum of 464.  The number of participating clubs remained at 27 – we lost a few but picked up some new ones.

Final positions of all pairs can be found by following the Overall Results link below. 
Results for each club can be found by following the Club Results link below.

Pairs can obtain a board-by-board breakdown of their results by accessing the scoring website  These scores can include casual pairs and hence final positions may not be correct.  Note that when the event is matchpointed across the state, percentages and order of rank can vary quite considerably from those obtained when matchpointing involves only pairs within a specific club.  A detailed explanation of this effect can be found in this article: State-Wide Pairs Scoring.

The top place-getters in 2023 were:

First: Jacky Gruszka and Mary Poynten (Sydney Bridge Centre) 70.12%

Second: Beryl Manuel and Chris van Wyck (Cessnock) 68.86%

Third: Max Paterson and Brian Ody (Peninsula) 68.19%

Fourth: Enid Dawes and Robyn Pearce (Orange) 66.54%

Fifth: Sandra Capper and Marelle Irvine (Mudgee) 65.44%

This year we are also publishing the full results of the various masterpoint categories.  The top pairs were:

Below 25 MPs: Derek Hornsey and Wendy Goldring from Sydney Bridge Centre

Below 50 MPs: Patricia Vetter and Angela Parker from Mudgee

Below 100 MPs:Cherie Edwards and Sandy Steele-Park from Mudgee

Dates for next year’s State Wide Pairs are 1-7 August, 2024.


Warren Lazer
Phone: 02 9744 1555 after 10.00 am