Congress/Holiday/Cruise Application Form

Before submitting this form consult the information in the Application Letter at
Running a Congress/Forms and Conditions.

* = required

Applicant Details

In this section enter your details in case we need to contact you about this application.

Tournament and Organiser Details

Please submit a separate form for each Congress/Holiday/Cruise.

In this section include the details of the tournament, the person who will be responsible for organising it and the tournament's chief director.

Congress Holiday Cruise

If your club runs more than one congress you must nominate which congress is the primary congress.

Yes No
Events - Congresses Only

A congress must include at least one event. Please fill in the details for each of your events below.

In the Title include the type of event - e.g. Pairs, Swiss Pairs, Teams

Event 1
No BBO RealBridge StepBridge
Event 2
No BBO RealBridge StepBridge
Event 3
No BBO RealBridge StepBridge
Event 4
No BBO RealBridge StepBridge
Event 5
No BBO RealBridge StepBridge
Event 6
No BBO RealBridge StepBridge