Tournaments>Calendar > Event Details

We are currently transitioning the NSWBA peak body functions to Bridge NSW. Bridge NSW will continue to promote and generate bookings for all bridge events for member clubs in a calendar of events and through other promotional mechanisms. All events must have their entries administered by My ABF by end June 2024. Plans are being made to transition currently displayed entries that are not linked to My ABF, and guidance will be provided to clubs to allow this to happen in a seamless fashion.

The document below provides information for NSW clubs on the steps required to get a congress set up in My ABF.

» Steps to getting your congress into My ABF

Entry Administration ( for Organisers only )

Bridge NSW City of Sydney BAM Teams - 2023

Organiser: Manager
Phone: 02 9264 8111
Club Website:
Director:Ronnie Ng

Monday June 19, 2023 7:15 PM - Monday July 3, 2023

Monday June 19 19:15 Week 1
Monday June 26 19:15 Week 2
Monday July 3 19:15 Week 3

This event will be played on RealBridge. Players unfamiliar with RealBridge should consult the RealBridge Player Guide and Camera and Mic Test. Initial seating and the link to the RealBridge session will be posted on this page when available.



RealBridge links, Seating and Results



This Team Event uses a Board-A-Match(BAM) form of scoring which many experts consider as the “purest” form of the game. Instead of "IMP” comparison , the board is scored as either a "WIN" a "LOSS” or a “TIE”. If the N-S pair is +620 and the E-W pair at the other table is +100, the result is "2" -- a full win. If a team is -800 E-W at one table and also -2,000 by the N-S pair at the other table, it is simply a loss or "0." If both tables achieve the same score, say +170 at each table, it is a tie and 1 for each team. At the end of the session, each team adds up its ties (worth 1 each) and wins (worth 2 each). If 26 boards are played, an average session is 26 points. Whoever gets the most points in the event is the winner.

BAM TACTICS: In matchpoints, overtricks are important as the small differences count. In IMPs the focus is on making the contract and overtricks are of small value. Vulnerable games are strived for as 620 against 170 yields a bountiful 10-IMP win. What about BAM? It is more like matchpoints than IMPs. At BAM, the partscore battle can be intense - doubling a partscore is more prevalent than in any other form of scoring. Even at matchpoints, tight doubles of partscores risk bottom boards and are often avoided. But at BAM, if a player suspects his opponents have already out-competed him, a penalty double is often a no-lose proposition. Game and Slam bidding is not a big deal. If game (or slam) is at least 50%, then it is worth bidding. There isn’t the need to push for close games (as at IMPs).

- See more on: Larry Cohen's Website

Any issues with entries should be directed to the organiser 02 9264 8111

Substitutions in a multi-session event should comply with the substitution rules of the organising club or those specific to the event.
For NSWBA championship events, please complete the NSWBA Online Substitution Form.
