NSWBA Library
The NSWBA has an extensive range of books that may be borrowed by members free of charge. The complete catalogue of books and magazines is below.
Library updated March 9, 2012
Books | Magazines | Tim Seres Collection
Name | Title | Total Copies |
Ackerley, Chris | The Bridging of Troy. Tales from the Trojan Tournament | 1 |
Adler, Bill | Bridge Players Write the Funniest Letters to Charles H. Goren | 1 |
Amsbury, Joe | Bridge Conventions: Doubles in Competition | 1 |
Andersen, Ron | The Lebensohl Convention Complete in Contract Bridge | 2 |
Anderson, Ron & Zenkel, Sabine | Pre-empts | 1 |
Anonymous | A Guide to Bridge | 1 |
Anonymous | Appeals Committee: Volume One | 1 |
Anonymous | Bridge Secrets of a Winner | 1 |
Anonymous | Challenge The Champs: Book II | 1 |
Anonymous | Challenge The Champs: Book III | 1 |
Anonymous | Challenge The Champs: Book IV | 1 |
Anonymous | How Would You Rule? | 2 |
Anonymous | The Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge 1963 | 2 |
Anonymous | The Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge 1975 | 2 |
Anonymous | The Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge 1987 | 3 |
Axelson & Dam | Matchpoint Tricks | 1 |
Baker, Bobby | The swiss convention | 1 |
Baron, Randy & Woolsey, Kit | Clobber Their Artificial Club | 1 |
Barrow, Rhoda | Acol-ites Quiz | 4 |
Belladonna, Giorgio & Avarelli, Walter | The Roman Club System of Distributional Bidding | 1 |
Belladonna, Giorgio & Garozzo, Benito | Precision and Super-Precision Bidding | 1 |
Bergen, Marty | Better Bidding with Bergen: Volume One - Uncontested Auctions | 2 |
Bergen, Marty | Better Bidding with Bergen: Volume Two - Competitive Bidding, Fit Bids, & More | 3 |
Bergen, Marty | Everyone's Guide to the NEW Convention Card | 1 |
Bergen, Marty | Points Schmoints! Bergen's Winning Bridge Secrets | 1 |
Beynon, George W. | Bridge Director's Manual for Duplicate Games | 1 |
Bird & Bourke | Endplays and Coups | 1 |
Bird & Forrester | Secrets of Expert Card Play | 1 |
Bird, D | Another 52 Great Bridge Tips | 1 |
Bird, D | Bridge Endplays for Everyone | 1 |
Bird, D | Somehow we landed in Six Notrumps | 1 |
Bird, D & Bourke, T | Reading the Cards | 1 |
Bird, David & Helgemo, Geir | Bridge with imagination | 1 |
Blackwood, Easley | Blackwood on Bidding: Dynamic Point Count | 1 |
Blackwood, Easley | Blackwood on Slams | 1 |
Boekhorst, Andre | The 2nd Bols Book of Bridge Tips | 1 |
Borel, Emile & Cheron, Andre | The Mathematical Theory of Bridge | 1 |
Borin, Jim & Borin, Norma | Our Precision Style | 3 |
Bourke, T | Maastricht Challenge | 1 |
Bourke, T & Smith, M | Countdown to Winning Bridge | 1 |
Brashler, Ted | Sweep Q-Bids and Other Treatments | 2 |
Brock & Brock | Great Hands | 1 |
Brogeland, Boye & David Bird | Bridge at the Edge | 1 |
Brown, John | Bridge with Dora | 1 |
Browne, D. | Benjamin Twos | 1 |
Cappelletti, Mike & Lewis, Ed | Cappalletti Over One-Of-A-Major Doubled (C/1MX) | 2 |
Cappelletti, Mike & Lewis, Ed | Cappelletti Over No Trump | 1 |
Cayley, Frank | Bridge Play Made Easy | 2 |
Cayley, Frank | Contract Bridge-bidding | 2 |
Chua, Cathy | History of Australian Bridge | 2 |
Cioffi, Raphael | Bridge Endings | 1 |
Clay | Tales From the Bridge Table | 1 |
Coffin, George | Bridge Summary Complete | 2 |
Coffin, George | Endplays in Bridge: Elimanations, Squeezes and Coups | 1 |
Coffin, George S. | Acol & The New Point Count | 1 |
Coffin, George S. | Bridge on Deck | 1 |
Coffin, George S. | Bridge Perfect Plays and Match Point Ways | 1 |
Coffin, George S. | Bridge Play From A to Z | 2 |
Coffin, George S. | Sure Tricks | 1 |
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, Rhoda | Calling A Spade A Spade | 3 |
Cohen, Ben & Barrow, Rhoda | Conventions Made Clear | 1 |
Cohen, Ben & Lederer, Rhoda | All About Acol | 2 |
Cohen, Ben & Lederer, Rhoda | Basic Acol | 7 |
Cohen, Ben & Lederer, Rhoda | The A.B.C. of Contract Bridge | 1 |
Cohen, Ben & Lederer, Rhoda | Your Lead, Partner | 4 |
Cohen, Ben & Reese, Terence | The Acol System of Contract Bridge | 1 |
Cohen, Larry | Following the LAW: The Total Tricks Sequel | 1 |
Cohen, Larry | To Bid or Not to Bid: The LAW of Total Tricks | 2 |
Cohen, Lawrence & et al | Breakthrough in Bridge | 1 |
Cohen, Ruth M. | The Elements of Play | 1 |
Cohn, Judy & Fink, Jerry | Power Defensive Carding | 2 |
Cohn, Judy A. & Fink, Jerry A. | Power Defensive Carding: New Concepts in Defense | 2 |
Cole, E. R. & Edwards, James | Grand Slam: Thirteen Great Bridge Stories | 2 |
Cook, Dorothy Jane | Learn To Play Winning Bridge | 1 |
Corn Jr., Ira | Play Bridge with The Aces | 2 |
Cotter, E. P. C. | The Financial Times Book of Bridge | 1 |
Cotter, Pat & Rimington, Derek | Bridge Quiz From a New Angle | 3 |
Cotter, Pat & Rimington, Derek | The Country Life Book of Bridge Play Technique | 1 |
Crawford, John R. | Crawford's Contract Bridge | 1 |
Crawford, Richard | Men, Women, & Bridge | 1 |
Cromelin, Paul L. | Bridge Is Beautiful | 3 |
Crowhurst, Eric | Acol in Competition | 2 |
Crowhurst, Eric | Precision Bidding in Acol | 4 |
Culbertson, Ely | Bidding and Play in Duplicate Contract Bridge | 3 |
Culbertson, Ely | Contract Bridge Complete | 1 |
Culbertson, Ely | Contract Bridge Complete: The Gold Book of Bidding and Play | 1 |
Culbertson, Ely | Contract Bridge Complete: The New Gold Book of Bidding and Play | 2 |
Culbertson, Ely | Contract Bridge Self-Teacher | 1 |
Culbertson, Ely | Culbertson Point-Count Bidding | 3 |
Culbertson, Ely | The Culbertson-Webster Contract System | 1 |
Culbertson, Ely | The Official Book of Contract Bridge | 1 |
Culbertson, Josephine | Contract Bridge Made Easy | 1 |
Daniels, D | Golden Age of Contract Bridge | 1 |
Darvas, R & De Hart, V | Right Through the Pack | 1 |
Darwen, Hugh | Bridge Magic | 1 |
Dewhurst, J. Victor | The Two-Club System | 1 |
Dick, R | Better Bidding for Improving Players | 1 |
Donnelly, John L. | Happiness Is A Squeeze! | 1 |
Dormer, A | Dormer on Deduction | 1 |
Dormer, Albert | Powerhouse Hands | 1 |
Dormer, Albert | The New Complete Book of Bridge | 1 |
Downey, N & Pomer, E | Standard Bidding with SAYC | 1 |
Drabble, Jon R. | Simply ONE TWO | 3 |
Dufresne, Mary Ann & Marion Ellingsen | Bridge with Bells & Whistles | 1 |
Duke, J. Dan | Advanced Basic Bidding | 1 |
Duke, J. Dan | Competitive Bidding | 1 |
Duke, J. Dan | Modern Popular Conventions | 1 |
Dunne, J. Patrick & Ostrow, Albert A. | Championship Bridge as played by the experts | 1 |
Dutton, Nigel | Moscito - 2000: The Real Millenium Bug: With Symmetric Relay | 2 |
Ehlermann, Carl | Cornerstones of Auction Bridge | 1 |
Emery, Sue | No Passing Fancy: Fifty Years of Contract Bridge | 1 |
Ewen, Robert | Preemptive Bidding | 1 |
Ewen, Robert B. | Contract Bridge: How to improve your technique | 1 |
Ewen, Robert B. | DOUBLES For Takeout, Penalties and Profit in Contract Bridge | 2 |
Ewen, Robert B. | Opening Leads | 2 |
Ewen, Robert B. | The Teenager's Guide to Bridge | 1 |
Falk, Allan | Spingold Challenge | 1 |
Farrington, F. | Duplicate Bridge Movements | 1 |
Feldheim, Harold | Five Card Major Bidding in Contract Bridge | 3 |
Feldheim, Harold | Negative and Responsive Doubles in Bridge | 2 |
Feldheim, Harold | Tactical Bidding or How to Wreak Havoc in the Auction for Fun and Ptofit! | 1 |
Feldheim, Harold | The Weak Two Bid in Bridge | 4 |
Feldheim, Harold | Winning Swiss Team Tactics in Bridge | 2 |
Flannery, Bill | The Flannery 2 Diamond Opening | 1 |
Flint, J | The Winning Edge | 1 |
Flint, Jeremy | Bridge with The Times | 1 |
Flint, Jeremy | How to Play Bridge | 2 |
Flint, Jeremy | Tiger Bridge | 1 |
Flint, Jeremy & Greenwood, David | Instructions for the Defence | 3 |
Flint, Jeremy & Gullick, John | The First Bridge Book | 2 |
Flint, Jeremy & North, Freddie | Bridge in the Looking Glass | 2 |
Flint, Jeremy & North, Freddie | Bridge The Golden Principles | 1 |
Flint, Jeremy & North, Freddie | Match Your Skill Against The Masters | 1 |
Flint, Jeremy & Rimington, Derek | Grand Slam | 1 |
Forquet, Pietro | Bridge with the Blue Team | 4 |
Fox, G. C. H. | Duplicate Bridge | 1 |
Fox, G. C. H. | Master Play The Best of National Bridge | 1 |
Fox, G. C. H. | Modern Bidding Systems in Bridge | 2 |
Fox, G. C. H. | The Daily Telegraph Book of Bridge | 2 |
Fox, G. C. H. | The Daily Telegraph Bridge Quiz | 2 |
Francis & Truscott | Bridge Encycopaedia | 1 |
Francis, H & Senior, B | The All Time Best Deals of the Bermuda Bowl | 1 |
Francis, Henry | The Official Encyclopedia of Bridge: Newly Revised, Fifth Edition | 1 |
Francis, Henry G. | The Official Encyclopedia of Bridge: Newly Revised, Fourth Edition | 1 |
Fransz, Alex | Medium Club Relay (Updated Version) | 1 |
Fransz, Alex & Klinger, Ron | Medium Club Relay | 1 |
Frey, Richard L. | Bridge for Women | 1 |
Frey, Richard L. | Easy Guide to Duplicate Bridge | 1 |
Frey, Richard L. | How to Win at Contract Bridge in 10 Easy Lessons | 2 |
Frey, Richard L. | Morehead on Bidding | 1 |
Frey, Richard L. | The Bridge Players' Encyclopedia | 3 |
Frey, Richard L. | The Official Encyclopedia of Bridge: New, Revised and Expanded Edition | 2 |
Frey, Richard L. | The Official Encyclopedia of Bridge: Third Edition, New, Revised, and Expanded | 3 |
Gardner, Nicola | Master Bridge | 1 |
Garozza, Benito & Forquet, Pietro | The Italian Blue Team Bridge Book | 1 |
Garozza, Benito & Yallouze, Leon | The Blue Club | 4 |
Gerber, John | The Gerber 4 club slam convention | 1 |
Gitelman, F | Master Class | 1 |
Gold, Don | Intermediate two bids in bridge | 1 |
Goldman, Bobby | Aces Scientific | 2 |
Goldman, Bobby | Winners and Losers at the bridge table | 2 |
Gooden, George | Contract bridge lesson course | 1 |
Goren, Charles | 100 challenging bridge hands | 2 |
Goren, Charles | An entirely new bridge summary | 3 |
Goren, Charles | Better bridge for better players | 3 |
Goren, Charles | Championship bridge | 1 |
Goren, Charles | Contact bridge made easy | 1 |
Goren, Charles | Contract bridge for beginners | 2 |
Goren, Charles | Doubles For penalty? For takeout? | 1 |
Goren, Charles | Doubling to win at contract bridge | 3 |
Goren, Charles | Duplicate bridge tips | 1 |
Goren, Charles | Goren on play and defence | 3 |
Goren, Charles | Goren settles the bridge argument | 4 |
Goren, Charles | Goren's bridge complete | 5 |
Goren, Charles | Goren's bridge quizzes | 2 |
Goren, Charles | Goren's point count system made easy | 1 |
Goren, Charles | Goren's store bridge bog | 1 |
Goren, Charles | Handbook of most widely used bridge conventions | 1 |
Goren, Charles | Introduction to bridge | 1 |
Goren, Charles | New bridge complete | 4 |
Goren, Charles | New contract bridge in a nutshell | 1 |
Goren, Charles | Play winning bridge with any partner, even a stranger | 2 |
Goren, Charles | Point count bidding in contract bridge | 4 |
Goren, Charles | The fundamentals of contract bridge | 1 |
Goren, Charles | The Italian bridge system | 1 |
Goren, Charles | The precision system of bidding | 4 |
Goren, Charles | The precision system of Contract bridge bidding | 4 |
Goren, Charles | The standard book of bidding | 1 |
Goren, Charles & Olsen, Jack | Bridge is my game | 8 |
Goren, Charles & Wei, CC | Precision Bidding for everyone | 1 |
Granovetter, Matthew | Bridge additions 1996 | 1 |
Granovetter, Matthew | I Shot my bridge partner | 1 |
Granovetter, Matthew & Granovetter, Pamela | A switch in time | 1 |
Granovetter, Matthew & Granovetter, Pamela | Conventions in Depth | 1 |
Granovetter, Matthew & Granovetter, Pamela | How to play bridge with your spouse | 1 |
Grant, Audrey | Better bridge series - basics | 1 |
Grant, Audrey | Better bridge series - bidding | 1 |
Grant, Audrey | Better bridge series - defence | 1 |
Grant, Audrey | Better bridge series - play | 1 |
Grant, Audrey & Rodwell, Eric | Bridge Maxims - Secrets of Better Play | 1 |
Greenberg, Julie T. | Duplicate Decisions | 1 |
Greenwood, David | The Pairs Game | 1 |
Griffiths, JNR | The golden years of bridge | 2 |
Groner, Alex | Duplicate bridge direction | 2 |
Hamman, R | At the Table | 1 |
Hanna, William & Steen, Douglas | Precision power bidding | 1 |
Hardy, Max | Competitive bidding with two suited hands | 2 |
Hardy, Max | Five card majors western style | 4 |
Hardy, Max | Forcing no trump responses | 1 |
Hardy, Max | Fourth suit forcing | 1 |
Hardy, Max | New minor | 1 |
Hardy, Max | New minor forcing after 1NT rebid | 1 |
Hardy, Max | New minor. Fourth suit forcing no trump responses | 1 |
Hardy, Max | Splinters and other shortness bids | 1 |
Hardy, Max | Two over one game force | 2 |
Harrison-Gray, M | Country life book of bridge | 2 |
Hartley, JG | Teach yourself contract bridge | 1 |
Havas, George | The Australian book of bridge | 6 |
Haydn, Dorothy | Bid better play better | 3 |
Haydn-Truscott, Dorothy | Winning declarer play | 4 |
Hoffman & Smith | Over Hoffman's Shoulder | 1 |
Hoffman, Martin | Defence in depth | 1 |
Hoffman, Martin | Hoffman on pairs play | 2 |
Hoffman, Martin | More tales of Hoffman | 1 |
Horn, AC | Contract bridge - Limited opening bids | 1 |
Horton, Mark | Misplay these hands with Me | 1 |
Horton, Sally | Bridge conventions - responses to 2NT | 1 |
Horton, Sally | Double Trouble | 1 |
Howard, Dennis | The Cummings Collection | 2 |
Howard, Dennis | The New South Wales System 1964 | 2 |
Howard, Dennis | The New South Wales System 1970 | 6 |
Hoyle | Hoyle's Official Rules of Card Games | 1 |
Hughes, R | Building a Bidding System | 1 |
Izdebski, W, Roman Krzemien & R Klinger | Deadly Defence | 1 |
Izdebski, W, Roman Krzemien & R Klinger | Deadly Defence Quiz Book | 1 |
Jacoby, James | Jacoby on bridge | 1 |
Jacoby, James & Jacoby, Oswald | Win at bridge with Jacoby and son | 1 |
Jannertson, Eric | Card reading | 1 |
Jannertson, Eric | Cards on the table | 2 |
Jannertson, Eric | Precision bridge | 1 |
Jannertson, Eric | The only chance | 1 |
Jannertson, Eric | With open cards | 2 |
Jannertson, Eric & Wohlin, Jan | Play safe and win | 2 |
Jannertson, Eric & Wohlin, Jan | Winning pairs technique | 2 |
Jourdan, Catherine | ABC of duplicate bridge direction | 1 |
Kambites, Andrew | Card Placing for You | 1 |
Kambites, Andrew | Defensive skills for you | 2 |
Kantar, Edwin | A new approach to play and defence | 1 |
Kantar, Edwin | Advanced bridge defence | 1 |
Kantar, Edwin | Bridge bidding made easy | 1 |
Kantar, Edwin | Bridge conventions | 4 |
Kantar, Edwin | Bridge humour | 2 |
Kantar, Edwin | Complete defensive bridge play | 1 |
Kantar, Edwin | Defensive bridge play complete | 3 |
Kantar, Edwin | Defensive tips for bad card holders | 1 |
Kantar, Edwin | Gamesman bridge | 2 |
Kantar, Edwin | How to win at bridge | 3 |
Kantar, Edwin | Improving your bidding skills | 2 |
Kantar, Edwin | Introduction to declarer's play | 6 |
Kantar, Edwin | Introduction to defender's play | 5 |
Kantar, Edwin | Kantar for the defence - vol 1 | 2 |
Kantar, Edwin | Roman Key Card blackwood - the untold story | 1 |
Kantar, Edwin | Take Your Tricks | 1 |
Kantar, Edwin | Test your bridge play - 100 declarer play problems | 1 |
Kantar, Edwin | The forcing pass in contract bridge | 1 |
Kaplan, Edgar | Competitive bidding in modern bridge | 7 |
Kaplan, Edgar | Duplicate bridge: How to play, how to win | 5 |
Kaplan, Edgar | How to play winning bridge | 3 |
Kaplan, Edgar | Kaplan Sheinwold updated | 1 |
Kaplan, Edgar | The Complete Italian system of winning bridge | 1 |
Kaplan, Edgar | Winning contract bridge complete | 4 |
Kaplan, Edgar & Sheinwold, Alfred | The Kaplan-Sheinwold system of winning bridge | 1 |
Karpin, Fred | Bridge strategy at trick one | 5 |
Karpin, Fred | How to play slam contracts | 3 |
Karpin, Fred | The art of card reading at bridge | 2 |
Karpin, Fred | The drawing of trumps and its postponement | 2 |
Karpin, Fred | The finesse | 3 |
Karpin, Fred | The play of the cards - self quizzes at bridge | 2 |
Karpin, Fred | Winning play in tournament and duplicate bridge - how the experts triumph | 3 |
Kauder, James | The bridge philosopher | 7 |
Kay, Norman & Karpin, Fred | The complete book of duplicate bridge | 4 |
Kearse, Amalya | Bridge conventions complete | 2 |
Kelsey, Hugh | 101 bridge maxims | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Advanced play at bridge | 2 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Bridge logic | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Bridge wizardry | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Bridge: The mind of the expert | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Challenge match | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Countdown to better bridge | 2 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Double squeezes | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | How to improve your bridge | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Improve your bridge | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Improve your partner's defence | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Instant guide to bridge | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Killing defence at bridge | 2 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Matchpoint bridge | 2 |
Kelsey, Hugh | More killing defence | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Slam bidding | 3 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Strip squeezes | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Test your card play 6 | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Test your card reading | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Test your communications | 2 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Test your defensive play | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Test your elimination play | 2 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Test your finessing | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Test your match play | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Test your pairs play | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Test your percentages | 2 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Test your safety play | 2 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Test your timing | 2 |
Kelsey, Hugh | Test your trump control | 3 |
Kelsey, Hugh | The Needle Match | 2 |
Kelsey, Hugh | The Tough Game | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh | The Tricky Game | 1 |
Kelsey, Hugh & Glauert, Michael | Bridge odds for practical players | 2 |
Kelsey, Hugh & Matheson, John | Improve your opening leads | 1 |
Kempson, Ewart | Single dummy plays | 1 |
Kempson, Ewart | The first pocket book of bridge problems | 1 |
Kempson, Ewart | Tournament bridge for everyone | 2 |
Kimelman, Neil | Improve your Bidding Judgment | 1 |
Kleinman & Straguzzi | The Principle of Restricted Talent | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | 100 winning bridge tips | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | 50 winning duplicate tips | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | Acol bridge made easy | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | Basic bridge - a guide to good acol bidding and play | 2 |
Klinger, Ron | Bid Better, Much Better | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | Bidding to win at bridge - the modern losing trick count | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | Bridge basics | 8 |
Klinger, Ron | Bridge for children | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | Bridge made easy | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | Bridge video with Ron Klinger - opening leads 1 | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | Cue to bidding slams | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | Five Card Major Stayman | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | Guide to better acol bridge | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | Guide to better bridge | 2 |
Klinger, Ron | Guide to better card play | 2 |
Klinger, Ron | Guide to better duplicate bridge | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | Improve your bridge memory | 2 |
Klinger, Ron | Playing to win at bridge | 11 |
Klinger, Ron | The bridge player who laughed | 3 |
Klinger, Ron | The power system | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | When to Bid, When to Pass | 1 |
Klinger, Ron | Winning bridge - trick by trick | 7 |
Klinger, Ron | World championship pairs bridge | 2 |
Konstam, Kenneth | Contract bridge - know the game | 2 |
Landau, Eric & Baron, Randall | Every hand an adventure | 1 |
Lavinthan, Hy | Defence strategy in bridge | 1 |
Lawrence, Mike | DONT - disturbing opponents no trump | 2 |
Lawrence, Mike | Dynamic defense | 1 |
Lawrence, Mike | Falsecards | 1 |
Lawrence, Mike | How to play card combinations | 1 |
Lawrence, Mike | How to Read your Opponent's Cards | 2 |
Lawrence, Mike | Judgment at Bridge | 4 |
Lawrence, Mike | Opening leads | 1 |
Lawrence, Mike | Play a swiss teams of 4 with Mike Lawrence | 2 |
Lawrence, Mike | Play bridge with Mike Lawrence | 1 |
Lawrence, Mike | The compete book on balancing | 3 |
Lawrence, Mike | The compete book on overcalls | 2 |
Lawrence, Mike | The complete book on hand evaluation | 1 |
Lawrence, Mike | The complete guide to contested auctions | 1 |
Lawrence, Mike | The complete guide to passed hand bidding | 1 |
Lawrence, Mike | The Devyn press handbook of partnership understanding | 4 |
Lawrence, Mike | The lebeshohl convention | 1 |
Lawrence, Mike | Topics on bridge - 1 - reverses | 1 |
Lawrence, Mike & Hanson, Keith | Winning bridge intangibles | 1 |
Le Dentu, Jose | Bridge Analysis | 4 |
Le Dentu, Jose | Bridge triumphs and disasters | 1 |
Le Dentu, Jose | Championship bridge | 3 |
Lederer, Rhoda | Acol-ites Quiz | 3 |
Lederer, Rhoda | Current conventions made clear | 1 |
Lederer, Rhoda & Grifiths, David | Fits and misfits | 1 |
Lederer, Rhoda & Lederer, Tony | Learn bridge with the lederers | 4 |
Lennon, Jacob | Championship defensive bidding | 1 |
Lindelof, E.T | The computer designed bidding system Cobra | 2 |
Lindkvist, Magnus | Classic & Modern Conventions | 1 |
Lindsay, Kenneth | 3D and the mafia club | 1 |
Lipkim, Mike | Invitation to...annihilation | 2 |
Love, Clyde | Bridge squeezes complete or winning endplay strategy | 3 |
Lozowick, Lee | Zen gamesmanship - the art of bridge | 2 |
Lukacs, Paul & Rubens, Jeff | Test your play as declarer | 2 |
Machlin, Jerome | Tournament Bridge An uncensored memoir | 1 |
Macleod, Iain | Bridge in as Easy Game | 3 |
Magee, Bernard | Mr Bridge's Quiz and Puzzle Book | 1 |
Mahmood, Zia | Ask Zia | 1 |
Mahmood, Zia | Bridge My Way | 1 |
Mahmood, Zia & Grant, Audrey | Breakthrough bridge - Declarer Play for Beginners | 2 |
Mahmood, Zia & Grant, Audrey | Breakthrough bridge - Defence for Beginners | 2 |
Mallon, John | Bridge Bidding | 4 |
Mallon, John | How to Play your Cards when You are the Declarer | 1 |
Mallon, John | Opening Lead and Signals | 2 |
Manley, Brent (Editor) | ACBL Encyclopedia of Bridge | 1 |
Markus, Rixi | Aces and Places - the International Bridge Circuit | 3 |
Markus, Rixi | Best Bridge Hands | 2 |
Markus, Rixi | Bid Boldly Play Safe | 3 |
Markus, Rixi | Bridge Table Tales | 3 |
Markus, Rixi | Commonsense Bridge | 1 |
Markus, Rixi | More Deadly than the Male | 3 |
Markus, Rixi | Play Better Bridge | 1 |
Marston & Brightling | The Bridge Workbook for Beginners | 1 |
Marston, Paul | All about No Trumps | 2 |
Marston, Paul | Introduction to Bridge - Acol Edition | 1 |
Marston, Paul | Introduction to Bridge - Four Card Majors | 3 |
Marston, Paul | Principles of Card Play | 1 |
Marston, Paul | The Language of Bidding | 2 |
Marston, Paul | Winning Decisions in Competitive Bidding | 2 |
Marston, Paul & Hughes, Nick | Opening Two Bids | 2 |
Marston, Paul & Hughes, Nick | Weak Twos and Strong 2C | 1 |
Masters, Colin | Mind Games - A Biographical History of Bridge in Queensland | 2 |
Maxwell, Douglas | A Simpler Way to Better Bridge | 6 |
Mayer, Edward | Money Bridge | 1 |
Mayer, Edward | Winning at Rubber Bridge | 1 |
McIlrath, John | Director is Called | 1 |
McCance Ian | The Setting Trick | 1 |
McKee, Judi | Contract Bridge: Pastime or Lifestyle | 1 |
McKkee, Judi | Bridge Director's Handbook of Movements & Scoring | 1 |
McNeil, Keith | Match your Bidding against the Masters | 2 |
McNeil, Keith & Reese, Terence | Bid against the Masters | 1 |
Meckstroth, J & Smith, M | Win the Bermuda Bowl with me | 1 |
Michaels, Charles & Cohen, Ruth | The Ideal Student Textbook | 1 |
Miles | Comp Bidding in the 21st C | 1 |
Miles | Modern Constructive Bidding | 1 |
Miles, M | Inferences at Bridge | 1 |
Miles, Marshall | All 52 Cards | 1 |
Miles, Marshall | Bridge from the Top - Book 2 | 2 |
Miles, Marshall | Card Reading at Contract | 1 |
Miles, Marshall | Logical Bridge | 2 |
Miller, Richard | More Bridge Brilliancies and Blunders | 2 |
Millingen, Myra | Contract Kernels | 1 |
Milnes, Eric & Lukacs, Paul | Bridge Hands for the Connoisseur | 2 |
Milnes, Eric & Lukacs, Paul | Improve your Dummy Play | 1 |
Mollo, Victor | Bridge a la Carte | 2 |
Mollo, Victor | Bridge Course Complete | 1 |
Mollo, Victor | Bridge in the Fourth Dimension | 3 |
Mollo, Victor | Bridge in the Menagerie | 3 |
Mollo, Victor | Bridge Saga | 1 |
Mollo, Victor | Bridge: Modern Bidding | 3 |
Mollo, Victor | Culbertson's Contract Bridge for Everyone | 1 |
Mollo, Victor | I Challenge You | 1 |
Mollo, Victor | Instant Bridge | 2 |
Mollo, Victor | Masters and Monsters | 4 |
Mollo, Victor | Streamline Bridge | 2 |
Mollo, Victor | Streamline Your Bidding | 4 |
Mollo, Victor | Success at Bridge | 2 |
Mollo, Victor | The Bridge Immortals | 1 |
Mollo, Victor | The Complete Bridge Player | 1 |
Mollo, Victor | The Finer Arts of Bridge | 2 |
Mollo, Victor | The Other Side of Bridge | 2 |
Mollo, Victor | Tomorrow's Textbook | 3 |
Mollo, Victor | Victor Mollo's Winning Double | 1 |
Mollo, Victor | Will you be My Partner? | 1 |
Mollo, Victor | You Need Never Lose at Bridge | 2 |
Mollo, Victor & Gardener, Nico | Bridge for Beginners | 1 |
Mollo, Victor & Gardener, Nico | Card Play Technique | 1 |
Mollo, Victor & Jannersten, Eric | The Best of Bridge | 1 |
Mollo, Victor & Nielsen, Aksel | Defence at Bridge | 1 |
Morehead, Albert | Bridge Writer's Choice 1964 | 1 |
Morehead, Albert | Morehead on Bidding | 4 |
Mould, Alan | Step by Step Slam Bidding | 1 |
Nicholson, Joyce | Why Women Lose at Bridge | 4 |
Nielsen, Aksel | Bridge with the Three Musketeers | 1 |
Nielsland, Mats & Wirgren, Andres | Major Suit Raises the Skanian Way | 1 |
Noall, William | The Australian 1C System | 1 |
North, F | Bridge: Defending Together | 1 |
North, Freddie | Aunt Agatha Plays Tournament Bridge | 2 |
North, Freddie | Bridge with Aunt Agatha | 1 |
Nunes, Jack | Improve your Bridge | 2 |
Oakley, Peter | The Diamond Major | 2 |
Ottlik, Geza & Kelsey, Hugh | Adventures in Card Play | 1 |
Paul, Mary | Partnership Bidding | 2 |
Payne, Dick & Amsbury, Joe | Bridge: TNT and Competitive Bidding | 1 |
Phillips, Hubert | Bridge with Mr Goren | 1 |
Phillips, Hubert | Complete Contract Bridge | 1 |
Phillips, Hubert | Making Bridge Play | 1 |
Phillips, Hubert & Reese, Terence | How to Play Bridge | 2 |
Phillips, Hubert & Reese, Terence | The Elements of Contract | 1 |
Pigot | Lausanne 1979 | 1 |
Pottage | Play or Defend? | 1 |
Pottage & Smith | Bridge behind Bars | 1 |
Powell, Richard | Tickets to the Devil | 3 |
Priest, Denis | Problems in Play 1 | 2 |
Priest, Denis | Problems in Play 2 | 2 |
Quinn, Terry | The great bridge conspiracy | 1 |
Rebholz | Bridge Toasts | 1 |
Reese, Terence | Advanced bridge | 1 |
Reese, Terence | Bridge | 1 |
Reese, Terence | Bridge Conventions Finesses and Coups | 5 |
Reese, Terence | Bridge for Ambitious Players | 1 |
Reese, Terence | Bridge Players' Dictionary | 1 |
Reese, Terence | Bridge Players' Dictionary and Quick Reference Guide | 1 |
Reese, Terence | Bridge Tips by World Masters | 1 |
Reese, Terence | CC Wei's Precision System | 1 |
Reese, Terence | Develop your Bidding Judgement | 2 |
Reese, Terence | Master Play | 1 |
Reese, Terence | Master Play in Contract Bridge | 2 |
Reese, Terence | Omar Sharif's Life in Bridge | 1 |
Reese, Terence | Play Bridge with Reese | 4 |
Reese, Terence | Play These Hands with Me | 1 |
Reese, Terence | Practical Bidding and Practical Play | 5 |
Reese, Terence | Precision Bridding and Precision Play | 10 |
Reese, Terence | The Most Puzzling Situations in Bridge | 5 |
Reese, Terence | What Would You Bid? | 1 |
Reese, Terence & Bird, David | Bridge the Modern Game | 1 |
Reese, Terence & Bird, David | How the Experts Do It | 3 |
Reese, Terence & Bird, David | Miracles of Card Play | 1 |
Reese, Terence & Bird, David | Unholy Tricks | 3 |
Reese, Terence & Dormer, Albert | Bridge for Tournament Players | 3 |
Reese, Terence & Dormer, Albert | Bridge: The Acol System of Bidding | 2 |
Reese, Terence & Dormer, Albert | How to Play a Good Game of Bridge | 3 |
Reese, Terence & Dormer, Albert | The Play of the Cards | 1 |
Reese, Terence & Franklin, Harold | Best of Bridge on the Air | 1 |
Reese, Terence & Hoffman, Martin | Play It Again Sam | 1 |
Reese, Terence & Kantar, Eddie | Defend with your Life | 1 |
Reese, Terence & Pottage, Julian | Positive Declarer's Play | 2 |
Reese, Terence & Pottage, Julian | Positive Defence | 1 |
Reese, Terence & Trezel, Roger | Blocking and Unblocking Plays in Bridge | 3 |
Reese, Terence & Trezel, Roger | Elimination Play in Bridge | 4 |
Reese, Terence & Trezel, Roger | Master the Odds in Bridge | 3 |
Reese, Terence & Trezel, Roger | Safety Plays in Bridge | 3 |
Reese, Terence & Trezel, Roger | Snares and Swindles in Bridge | 1 |
Reese, Terence & Trezel, Roger | The Art of Defence in Bridge | 4 |
Reese, Terence & Trezel, Roger | The Mistakes You Make at Bridge | 3 |
Reese, Terence & Trezel, Roger | Those Extra Chances in Bridge | 1 |
Reese, Terence & Trezel, Roger | When to Duck, When to Win in Bridge | 1 |
Rigal | Step by Step Deception in Defence | 1 |
Rigal | Step by Step: Deceptive Declarer Play | 1 |
Rimington, Derek | Learn Bridge from the Experts | 1 |
Robson, Andrew & Segal, Oliver | Partnership Bidding at Bridge | 1 |
Rodwell, Eric | The Rodwell Files | 2 |
Root, William | Commonsenes Bidding | 1 |
Root, William | How to Defend a Bridge Hand | 1 |
Root, William | How to Play a Bridge Hand | 1 |
Root, William | New Contract Bridge Outlines on Standard Bidding | 1 |
Root, William & Pavlicek, Richard | Modern Bridge Conventions | 2 |
Rosencranz, George | Bid your Way to the Top | 3 |
Rosencranz, George | Everything you always wanted to know about Trump Leads and were not afraid to ask | 1 |
Rosencranz, George | Win with Romex | 1 |
Rosencranz, George & Truscott, Alan | Bidding on Target | 1 |
Rosencranz, George & Truscott, Alan | Modern Ideas in Bidding | 3 |
Rosendorf, Nigel | Develop your Bridge | 1 |
Rosendorf, Nigel | Learn How to Play Bridge | 1 |
Rosler, Lawrence & Rubens, Jeff | Journalist Leads | 2 |
Roth, Alvin | Picture Bidding | 2 |
Roth, Alvin & Rubens, Jeff | Modern Bridge Bidding Complete | 3 |
Roth, Alvin & Stone, Tobias | Bridge is a Partneship Game | 2 |
Roth, D | Focus on Bidding | 1 |
Roth, D | Focus on Declarer Play | 1 |
Roth, D. | The Expert Card Player | 1 |
Roth, Danny | How good is you Bridge? | 1 |
Roth, Danny | Signal Success in Bridge | 1 |
Roudinesco, Jean-Marc | Play Bridge With Me | 1 |
Routman, Mark | Club Level Duplicate Bridge: Which Strategies Win? | 1 |
Rovere, Ernest | Contract Bridge Complete Bidding and Play | 1 |
Rubens, Jeff | Bridge in Muttropolos Book 2: The Bet | 1 |
Rubens, Jeff | The Secrets of Winning Bridge | 3 |
Rubens, Jeff & Lukacs, Paul | Test your Play as Declarer 2 | 1 |
Schenken, Howard | Better Bidding in 15 Minutes, Expert Bidding in a Week | 6 |
Schenken, Howard | Big Club | 4 |
Schenken, Howard | Howard Schenken's big club | 1 |
Schenken, Howard | The Education of a Bridge Player | 1 |
Schuld, Frank | The Simple Squeeze in Bridge | 3 |
Seabrook, Barry | Bridge: Expert Dummy Play | 1 |
Seabrook, Barry | Bridge: From Average to Expert | 1 |
Senior, B | Play these Hands with Brian Senior | 1 |
Senior, Brian | Bridge Conventions: Fourth Suit Forcing | 1 |
Senior, Brian | Clever Bridge Tricks | 2 |
Senior, Brian | The Multi Coloured Two Diamond | 1 |
Senior, Brian | The Transfer Principle | 1 |
Shapiro, Boris | Boris Shapiro on bridge | 1 |
Shapiro, Boris | Bridge Analysis | 4 |
Sharif, Omar | How to Play the Blue Team Club | 2 |
Sharif, Omar | Play Bridge with Omar Sharif | 2 |
Sharif, Omar | Play Bridge with Omar Sharif (Video) | 1 |
Sharif, Omar | Play More Bridge with Omar Sharif | 1 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | 5 Weeks to Winning Bridge | 3 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | A Shortcut to Winning Bridge | 2 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Bridge Play | 3 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Bridge Players' Guide to Bidding | 1 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Complete Bridge Course | 1 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Duplicate Bridge | 4 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | How to Improve Your Bridge | 2 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | The Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles 1 | 2 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | The Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles 2 | 2 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | The Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles 3 | 4 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | The Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles 4 | 8 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | The Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles 5 | 2 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | The Pocket Book of Bridge Puzzles 6 | 2 |
Sheinwold, Alfred | Third Book of Bridge: How to Bid and Play in Duplicate Tournaments | 1 |
Shurlock, HM | The Laws of Contract Bridge Explained | 2 |
Simon, SJ | Design for Bidding | 1 |
Simon, SJ | Why You Lose at Bridge | 4 |
Slawinski, Lukasz | Systems in Defence | 1 |
Slawinski, Lukasz & Ruminski, Stanislaw | Introduction to Weak Openings and Regres System | 1 |
Smith, M | World Class | 1 |
Smolski, Roman | Defences to 1NT | 1 |
Sobel, Helen | All the Tricks! | 1 |
Sontag, Alan | Power Precision | 2 |
Sontag, Alan | The Bridge Bum | 1 |
Sontag, Alan & Steinberg, Peter | Improve your Bridge - Fast | 2 |
Sowter, Sally | Transfers after 1NT | 1 |
Squire, Norman | A Guide to Bridge Conventions | 1 |
Squire, Norman | Bidding Today | 2 |
Squire, Norman | Card Play Technique | 1 |
Squire, Norman | Squeeze Play Simplified | 1 |
Squire, Norman | The Theory of Bidding | 2 |
Stallard, M. Berl | First Up | 1 |
Stayman, Samuel | Do You Play Stayman? | 4 |
Stayman, Samuel | Expert Bidding at Contract Bridge | 1 |
Stern, Milton | Expert Bridge | 3 |
Stern, Paul & Smith, A.J. | Sorry, Partner! | 1 |
Stewart, Frank | The Bridge Player's Comprehensive Guide to Defence | 1 |
Stewart, Frank | Better Bridge for the Advancing Player | 1 |
Stewart, Frank | Frank Stewart's Contract Bridge Quiz Book | 1 |
Stewart, Frank | Winning Defence for the Advancing Bridge Player | 1 |
Stoddard, Susan & Winkler, Harry | Running for a Double | 1 |
Tait, Jimmy | Bridge Challenge | 3 |
Tait, Jimmy | Tales of the Club Expert | 1 |
Teague, E.D. & Smith, A.J. | The Streamlined Vienna System | 1 |
Theimer, Ernst | The Bridge Adventures of Androcles MacThick | 1 |
Thomas, Frank | Sherlock Holmes, Bridge Detective Returns | 1 |
Thorne, Harold | 8 Deal Bridge in 20 Minutes | 1 |
Thorne, Harold | Thorne's Complete Contract Bridge | 1 |
Traub, Alec | Trump Technique | 1 |
Trezel, Roger | Elimination | 1 |
Thurston, Paul | Bridge at the Breakfast Table | 1 |
Truscott & Hayden | The N.Y. Times Bridge Book | 1 |
Truscott, Alan | The Great Bridge Scandal | 1 |
Truscott, Alan | The New York Times Bridge Series Grand Slams | 2 |
Truscott, Alan | The New York Times Guide to practical bridge | 1 |
Vickery, Ron | The Hybrid Club | 1 |
Vine Frank | North of the Masters' Club | 1 |
Von Der Parten, Ronald | Introduction to defensive bidding | 1 |
Von Elsner, Don | Cruise bridge | 1 |
Von Elsner, Don | The Ace of Spades | 1 |
Von Elsner, Don | The Jack of Hearts | 1 |
Walshe, G. G. J. | Count to Win at Bridge | 1 |
Watson, Louis H. | Watson's Classic Book on the Play of the Hand at Bridge | 5 |
Wei, C. C. | Bidding Precisely: Volume 1 | 1 |
Wei, C. C. | Precision Bidding In Bridge: The Story of the Cinderella Team | 5 |
Wei, C. C. | The Precision Bidding System in Bridge | 1 |
Wei, C. C. | The Simplified Precision System of Bridge Bidding | 8 |
Wei, C. C. & Andersen, Ron | Bidding Precisely: Volume 2 Making the most of Limited Openings | 3 |
Wei, C. C. & Andersen, Ron | Bidding Precisely: Volume 3 Profits from Preempts | 3 |
Wei, C. C. & Andersen, Ron | Bidding Precisely: Volume 4 Perfect Your No Trump Bidding | 1 |
Wei, C. C. & Andersen, Ron | Match Point Precision | 2 |
Wei, C. C. & Andersen, Ron | Protect your no trump bidding | 1 |
Wei, Charles | Precision Club | 3 |
Wei, Katherine & Andersen, Ron | Action for the Defense | 3 |
Wei, Katherine & Radin, Judi | Precision's One Club Complete | 7 |
Weinstein, Arthur | Bridge Poems for Your Partner | 1 |
White, Travis | Odd Tricks | 2 |
Whitehead, Wilbur C. | The Contract Bridge Yellow Book | 1 |
Whitfeld, Ivan | Exact Bidding at Bridge | 2 |
Williams, E. Jestyn | Simplicity | 1 |
Williams, Ethel Jestyn | Learn Simplicity | 1 |
Wolf, Bobby | The Loan Wolff | 1 |
Wolf, Murray E. & Anderson, Merrell R. | The Subtle Club | 2 |
Woods, Jo | At the bridge table - populat point count bidding | 1 |
Wookash | The Singleton System "DELTA" | 1 |
Woolsey, Kit | Matchpoints | 1 |
Woolsey, Kit | Partnership Defense | 2 |
Work | Auction Bridge Complete | 1 |
Young, Ray | Bridge for Blood | 2 |
Zorn, Bill | Bridge Abridged: Based on a proven beginners course | 5 |
Zorn, Bill | Bridge Abridged: Standard with five card majors | 3 |
2004 World Bridge Championship | 1 | |
2005 World Bridge Championship | 1 | |
2006 World Bridge Championship | 1 |