NSW John Arkinstall State Open Teams - 2010

2010 State Open Teams Finals
December 10-12

NSW Bridge Association, Level 1, 162 Goulburn St, East Sydney.

State Open Teams Results

The John Arkinstall State Open Teams was won by HUTTON team defeating CHADWICK 118-98. The Country team playoff was won by NORTH defeating SOUTH and WEST 137-127.

Round Robin Qualifying: 2 x 12 board matches commencing 7:00 pm Friday December 10, 2010, 5 x 12 board matches commencing 10.00 am Saturday December 11, 2010.

Final: 56 boards commencing 10:00 am Sunday December 12, 2010

Qualified Teams

Northern Division
Eric Hurley, Janet Brown, Marjorie Askew, Bill Powell
Southern and Western Division
Michael Ross, Adrian Thompson, Bala Maniccavasagar, and Phillip Williams
Outer Metropolitan Division
Karen Ody, Christine Hadaway, Garry Clarke, Sally Clarke
Peter Jamieson, Axel Johannsson, Rita Nailand, Avril Zets
Pauline Gumby, Warren Lazer, Orlando Wu, Andrew Peake
Tony Hutton, Tina Zines, Peter Wood, Leo Goorevich, Fred Curtis, Bob Sebesfi
Sydney Metropolitan Region
Berri Folkard, Nevena Djurovic, Jamie Ebery, Pauline Evans
Ted Chadwick, Les Grewcock, Toni Sharp, Alex Yezerski

Map of the NSWBA

2010 State Open Teams Metropolitan Final
September 19, 2010

Club Willoughby
26 Crabbes Ave, Willoughby
starting at 10.00am

1st: (North Shore)  B.Folkard - N.Djurovic - J.Ebery - P.Evans
2nd: (North Shore)  T.Chadwick - L.Grewcock - T.Sharp - A.Yezerski

All enquiries to the Convener: Nick Hughes
Phone/Fax: (02) 9387 6175

2010 State Open Teams Country Team Championship


The Country Teams Divisional Finals were held on July 3-4, 2010.

Convener: Louis Koolen
15 Wyong Rd, Tumbi Umbi, NSW, 2261

Outer Metro Divisional Final Results

The Southern Divisional Final was won by a team from Leeton.
Southern Divisional Final Results

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