2019 NSWBA Matchpoint Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 7
Matchpoint Swiss Pairs History  

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Stuart SCHON - Maeve DOYLE
117Ann BAKER - Andre BAROUKH53.6512.4312.43190.24
232Marieta BORTHWICK - Annegrete KOLDING46.887.9220.3525
311Anna ST CLAIR - Dee HARLEY25.810.0020.3543
416Denise NICHOLSON - Warren ROBINSON62.0016.8037.15320.24
55Yumin LI - Titus LING40.104.0441.1939
68Keith WALKER - Tamara SAMUELS42.044.8246.0142
734Sue INGHAM - George BILSKI56.9314.6260.63400.24