2019 NSWBA Matchpoint Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 6
Matchpoint Swiss Pairs History  

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Terry BROWN - Jeanette REITZER
16Martin BLOOM - Peter GILL43.495.665.6641
29Catherine ZHANG - Cevat EMUL52.8611.9117.57320.24
323Kinga MOSES - Nazife BASHAR42.224.8922.4640
45Yumin LI - Titus LING45.707.1329.5943
519Alex PENKLIS - Rob WARD62.5017.0046.59310.24
612Myra KATZ - Darryl ALMEIDA51.2810.8557.44290.12
724Catherine CHAFFEY - Colin CLIFFORD54.3212.8870.32260.24