2019 Central Coast Super Congress
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 6
Swiss Pairs Restricted/Novice History  

Click on the opponent's number to display the match results
Click on the names to display the opponent's history
Susan PASCOE - Josephine MOST
110Tony CANAVAN - Georgina TEARNE1816.3216.3230.19
230John MITCHELL - Kathy MITCHELL2418.0434.3610.19
325Ellen WILLIAMS - Berenice AIR-48.4442.803
415Robert STAMMEL - Claire STAMMEL612.3455.1420.19
537Wendy EVERITT - Tony SAPPIDEEN712.7367.8720.19
619Dianne CASS - Bob CASS-77.2775.146
712David STEWART - Diana STEWART-125.4280.5611