2019 Bathurst Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 5
Matchpoint Swiss Pairs History  

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Elizabeth LAWRENCE - Alfie NATION
112Suzanne SUTTOR - Sylvia ENKLAAR66.4518.5818.5860.16
25Marie PURKISS - Diane NICHOLS48.689.1227.70100.08
330Liz SCORER - Graham DANIEL62.1416.8644.5650.16
419Pam BRADFORD - Kathy HART44.296.1950.759
57Kelela ALLEN - Susan CAPP33.331.3352.0822
613Doreen KJELDSEN - Robyn PEARCE73.0320.0072.08100.16
738Helen GEORGE - Denise HOURIGAN-THOMAS53.9512.6384.71100.16