2019 Women's Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 9
Women's ITS Match Scores Round 8 

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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
16Jessica BRAKE - Marlene WATTS30.2722.76-18.7010
6Heather CUSWORTH - Frances LYONS7.51-22.76-74.9615
5Monica GINSBERG - Sybil HURWITZ6.64-29.75-15.199
7Sophie ASHTON - Susan HUMPHRIES36.3926.0086.711
12Anne HAZELTON - Jane NORTH23.52-4.75-118.2516
8Liz SYLVESTER - Jeanette ABRAMS28.274.75-39.8014
9Helene PITT - Ruth TOBIN16.657.3883.892
15Inge RADONIC-ERRATH - Rosemarie ROLSTON9.27-7.38-23.3411
3Helen LOWRY - Berri FOLKARD18.38-6.1426.006
11Cathryn HERDEN - Judy MOTT24.526.1445.343
4Vanessa BROWN - Tina STRICKLAND16.651.1430.355
14Julianne ROCKS - Judy MARKS15.51-1.14-39.2713
10Giselle MUNDELL - Avril ZETS17.156.761.698
13Jane BEEBY - Natasha JACOBS10.39-6.76-32.4812
1Marcia SCUDDER - Inez GLANGER22.772.6319.307
2Kinga MOSES - Nazife BASHAR20.14-2.6339.464