2019 Seniors' Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 3
Qualifying History  

Click on the opponent's number to display the match results
Click on the names to display the opponent's history
Jane BEEBY - Philip BEEBY
1501Richard DOUGLAS - Bob SEBESFI-1-1-150.09
2510John MOTTRAM - Neil PERRY-10-10-118
3509Mike HUGHES - Peter FORDHAM-16-16-279
4508Kevin DAVIES - Gary LANE-12-12-3910
5507Berri FOLKARD - Elli URBACH-3-3-4210
6506Elliott KAPLAN - Peter GILL-16-16-5810
7505Peter STRASSER - Rena KAPLAN-4-4-6210
8504Cevat EMUL - Wayne ZHU1515-47100.18
9503Tina ZINES - Dennis ZINES33-4480.18
10502Heather CUSWORTH - Frances LYONS-8-8-529