2019 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 9 | cross table
Open Final History  

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Elizabeth ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE
12David FRYDA - Michael CARTMELL37.830.0036.7810.72
23Paul DALLEY - Mathew VADAS22.0038.7820.36
34Julian FOSTER - David WESTON3.43.4042.1830.72
45Peter BUCHEN - Matthew THOMSON-24.6-24.6017.583
56Yixiang ZHANG - Wayne ZHU4.44.4021.9850.72
67Lavy LIBMAN - Tomer LIBMAN3.83.8025.7840.72
710Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES6.46.4032.1840.72
88Jane BEEBY - Michael WILKINSON77.0039.1840.72
99Lynn KALMIN - Lorna ICHILCIK5.65.6044.7840.72