2019 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 5
Open Stage 2 History  

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Elizabeth ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE
112Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES55530.28
21David FRYDA - Michael CARTMELL-6-6-16
32Paul DALLEY - Mathew VADAS00-170.14
43Julian FOSTER - David WESTON13131270.28
54Vanessa BROWN - Will JENNER-O'SHEA13132550.28
65Jane BEEBY - Michael WILKINSON773240.28
76Jerzy SZYSZKOWSKI - Wieslaw PRZEWOZNIAK12124430.28
87Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER-4-4402
98Richard DOUGLAS - Bob SEBESFI-4-4363
109David HUDSON - Anita CURTIS23235920.28
1110Robert CASE - Margaret GIDLEY-BAIRD336220.28
1211Yixiang ZHANG - Wayne ZHU-31-31313