2019 ANC Butler Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 5
Swiss Pairs History  

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David FRYDA - Michael CARTMELL
13Avril ZETS - Giselle MUNDELL1414.2014.20120.56
235Tim MOUNTJOY - Jim BEAN1013.0027.2070.56
32Rena KAPLAN - Lorna ICHILCIK1815.0842.2840.56
423Ruth TOBIN - Tony ONG-204.4846.7611
525Catherine CHAFFEY - Colin CLIFFORD1113.3060.0690.56
626Nico RANSON - John MCMAHON1915.3075.3660.56
713Susan HUMPHRIES - Jessica BRAKE010.0085.3650.28
89Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER-29.4094.7670.28