State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 9
Swiss Pairs History  

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Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER
119Mark MORDO - Jim BEAN1515.0115.0180.36
222Elizabeth ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE-67.9022.9114
330Nigel ROSENDORFF - Andrew MARKOVICS-77.5530.4615
427Robbie FEYDER - Liz SYLVESTER1615.2845.74120.36
51Elliott KAPLAN - Peter GILL-58.2553.9913
621Ben CHOSID - John DE RAVIN1113.8567.84110.36
720Paul DALLEY - Mathew VADAS311.0578.8990.36
814Heather CUSWORTH - Helen LOWRY-164.7283.6114
92David WURTH - Nick FAHRER2317.14100.7590.36