State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 7
Swiss Pairs History  

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Stuart SCHON - Phillip HALLORAN
126Martin BLOOM - Tony NUNN-154.994.9923
219Mark MORDO - Jim BEAN712.4517.44210.36
329Nico RANSON - Lakshmi SUNDERASAN612.1029.54170.36
421Ben CHOSID - John DE RAVIN-87.2036.7420
59Bob SEBESFI - Richard DOUGLAS-184.1840.9226
616Wing ROBERTS - Mick MCAULIFFE1013.5054.42210.36
724George BILSKI - Nicky STRASSER3319.7474.16130.36
831George FINIKIOTIS - Axel JOHANNSSON-193.9178.0717
913Liam MILNE - Pauline POTTS411.4089.47170.36