State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 2
Swiss Pairs History  

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Liz FANOS - Julianne ROCKS
120Paul DALLEY - Mathew VADAS-203.643.6428
216Wing ROBERTS - Mick MCAULIFFE210.7014.34240.36
324George BILSKI - Nicky STRASSER812.8027.14210.36
419Mark MORDO - Jim BEAN-67.9035.0422
55Helena DAWSON - Helene PITT-154.9940.0328
612Alex PHILLIPS - Heath HENN-29.3049.3326
732David FRYDA - Michael CARTMELL511.7561.08220.36
815Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES-87.2068.2826
925Judy MOTT - Tony ONG-29.3077.5825