State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 2
Swiss Pairs History  

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Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES
131George FINIKIOTIS - Axel JOHANNSSON-125.805.8021
221Ben CHOSID - John DE RAVIN-223.128.9229
317Theo MANGOS - Ferenc BUDAI1113.8522.77260.36
429Nico RANSON - Lakshmi SUNDERASAN-281.5624.3330
512Alex PHILLIPS - Heath HENN210.7035.03300.36
66Alexander COOK - Julian ABEL712.4547.48280.36
716Wing ROBERTS - Mick MCAULIFFE311.0558.53250.36
84Liz FANOS - Julianne ROCKS812.8071.33240.36
919Mark MORDO - Jim BEAN-116.1577.4826