State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 2
Swiss Pairs History  

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Elliott KAPLAN - Peter GILL
117Theo MANGOS - Ferenc BUDAI2918.7018.7040.36
28Jane BEEBY - Michael WILKINSON-48.6027.309
35Helena DAWSON - Helene PITT210.7038.0070.36
42David WURTH - Nick FAHRER-48.6046.6011
53Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER511.7558.3590.36
69Bob SEBESFI - Richard DOUGLAS2317.1475.4930.36
77Jessica BRAKE - Susan HUMPHRIES-19.6585.1450.18
811Julian FOSTER - David WESTON812.8097.9430.36
930Nigel ROSENDORFF - Andrew MARKOVICS-213.38101.328