2018 State Mixed Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 3
Autumn Swiss Pairs History  

Click on the opponent's number to display the match results
Click on the names to display the opponent's history
Elizabeth NEIL - Mary LYNCH
122Jay NOVAK - Hugh MAKIN511.9511.95190.16
233Peter CLOKE - Winston HORNE-154.5516.5034
334Hope TOMLINSON - Barry FOSTER1114.2930.79220.16
428Pat O'CONNOR - Kay O'CONNOR-115.7136.5034
511Bijan ASSAEE - Sheena ARORA-193.3939.8939
630Anne MOASE - Penny TALLEY-271.1241.0147
746Lynleigh EVANS - Mary CARTER2016.9057.91410.16