2018 Illawarra GNOT Final
results | match scores | draw for round 4 | pair rankings
Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 3 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

161Catherine CHOWN - Chris BAYLISS364.064.0
2111Helen LAVINGS - Paul LAVINGS343.043.2
3131Martin BUNDER - Neville MOONEY336.035.5
451Rakesh KUMAR - Helen CRISP339.033.3
592Margaret CARR - Karen IRVINE329.033.0
671Alison MINCHIN - Anna ZARANSKI327.022.7
7122Timothy MARCHANT - Ian PORTER316.021.0
8121Stephen HURLEY - Liz HURLEY327.020.2
9132Tony WRIGHT - Duncan MUNRO321.018.8
10112Kaye HART - Jeff CARBERRY310.015.8
11102Ruth NEILD - Grant COWEN329.013.5
12101Judy KINGSTON - Dave GALLAGHER316.013.0
1372Robin EWING - Stephen BRABYN314.08.2
1432Pip PHILLIPS - Cherry SCHNEIDER314.06.3
1581Beverly WALKER - Bill FOTHERINGHAM3-4.03.8
1612Mardi SVENSSON - Rob WARD34.00.7
1782Renate LA MARRA - Stuart CUTSFORTH3-11.0-4.7
1811Anthony RACTLIFFE - Michael BEMBRICK3-5.0-5.3
1922Moira WEATE - Margaret HUTCHISON3-12.0-14.2
20142Lynne SOLDI - Ken SOLDI3-21.0-17.2
2162Eric LINDH - Patricia PHILLIPS3-29.0-19.0
2291Rilla ENGLAND - Hugh MCGINTY3-22.0-19.7
2352Noel ATHEA - Annemarie ATHEA3-39.0-29.7
2442David GRAHAM - Karen NEWBY3-36.0-38.2
25141Cathy ASHCROFT - Andrew SMITH3-35.0-40.0
2621Susan WHYTE - Judith CAPPS3-52.0-52.2
2731Robert DEAN - Jeanette SIMPSON3-56.0-55.5
2841Carolyn GALE - Susan LUND3-67.0-57.5