2018 Bathurst Congress
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 5
Matchpoint Swiss Pairs History  

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Karin LE ROUX - Christophe ROSEVEAR
143Patricia VETTER - Trish MCDONALD59.4715.7915.79130.18
29Rosemary HUMMELSHOJ - Lloyd CLEAVER49.569.7125.50140.09
340Manda LABUSCHAGNE - Jens SKOVGAARD37.312.9228.4226
414Diana WADDELL - Elspeth SULLIVAN52.1211.4139.83230.09
515Rod DUNN - Ian JAMIESON44.226.1545.9827
619Robyn PEARCE - Rhonda JEFFERSON66.0218.4164.39180.18