2018 Seniors' Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 7
Qualifying History  

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Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER
1508Steven BOCK - Andrew MARKOVICS25252510.18
2507George FINIKIOTIS - Ross STUART553010.18
3506Sally CLARKE - Garry CLARKE883810.18
4505David BEAUCHAMP - Mike HUGHES-10-10283
5504Neville MOSES - Kinga MOSES-6-6222
6503Freddie ZULFIQAR - Roy BENTLEY18184010.18
7502Martin BLOOM - Nigel ROSENDORFF664610.18
8501Terry BROWN - Jeanette REITZER004610.09
9510Les GREWCOCK - Eugene GRACZYNSKI665210.18
10509Frank DREYER - Lee DREYER-6-6461