2018 Seniors' Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 4
Qualifying Match Scores Round 3 

Click on number to view the match result
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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
1Inez GLANGER - John SCUDDER2-5-2710
509Frank DREYER - Lee DREYER75301
2Neil PERRY - John MOTTRAM50-115
510Les GREWCOCK - Eugene GRACZYNSKI50252
3Nicky STRASSER - George BILSKI3-894
501Terry BROWN - Jeanette REITZER118183
4Mathew VADAS - George FLEISCHER1212143
502Martin BLOOM - Nigel ROSENDORFF0-12-46
5Judy MARKS - Julianne ROCKS1-4-146
503Freddie ZULFIQAR - Roy BENTLEY54-57
6Dennis ZINES - Tina ZINES10-2-177
504Neville MOSES - Kinga MOSES122-98
7Elliott KAPLAN - Peter GILL149202
505David BEAUCHAMP - Mike HUGHES5-944
8Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER138381
506Sally CLARKE - Garry CLARKE5-815
9Peter JEFFERY - Axel JOHANNSSON92-239
507George FINIKIOTIS - Ross STUART7-2-1810
10Mrinal DEY - Ian NAPIER65-228
508Steven BOCK - Andrew MARKOVICS1-5-98