2018 NSW Butler Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 7
Swiss Pairs History  

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Julian FOSTER - David WESTON
16John SCUDDER - Neville MOSES1915.3015.3070.56
217Tim MOUNTJOY - Jim BEAN-136.1021.4014
320Ashley BACH - Arlene DALLEY-145.8027.2021
47Ben CHOSID - John DE RAVIN1113.3040.50190.56
533Andre KORENHOF - Maurits VAN DER VLUGT110.3050.80160.28
613John MCMAHON - Nico RANSON2115.7466.54110.56
725Bob SEBESFI - Richard DOUGLAS2416.4082.9460.56
82Jane BEEBY - Michael WILKINSON-29.4092.3490.28