2018 NSW Butler Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 7
Swiss Pairs History  

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Helena DAWSON - Tony ONG
128Ian LISLE - Vicky LISLE-233.823.8231
29Simon STANCU - Margaret PUSSELL1013.0016.82240.56
316Alan COOPER - Theo MANGOS511.5028.32190.56
434Heather CUSWORTH - Frances LYONS-126.4034.7224
53Frank DREYER - Lee DREYER1213.6048.32190.56
633Andre KORENHOF - Maurits VAN DER VLUGT2516.6264.94140.56
726Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES-145.8070.7417
825Bob SEBESFI - Richard DOUGLAS511.5082.24150.56