State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 7
Swiss Pairs History  

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Dennis ZINES - Tom MOSS
125Helena DAWSON - Tony ONG-262.082.0822
217Frances LYONS - Helen LOWRY1113.8515.93160.36
36Ben CHOSID - John DE RAVIN1615.2831.21120.36
42Catherine CHAFFEY - Andrew GOODCHILD1916.0947.3070.36
519Kevin DAVIES - Julian ABEL-96.8554.159
63Axel JOHANNSSON - Arthur RAMER-58.2562.4010
720Paul DALLEY - Lakshmi SUNDERASAN-48.6071.0011
815Giselle MUNDELL - Avril ZETS1715.5586.5570.36
95Marcia SCUDDER - Inez GLANGER1414.74101.2950.36