State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 3
Swiss Pairs History  

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Frances LYONS - Helen LOWRY
14Tony NUNN - Elizabeth ADAMS-242.602.6021
212Dennis ZINES - Tom MOSS-116.158.7525
33Axel JOHANNSSON - Arthur RAMER-116.1514.9026
424Patrick REDLICH - Tom GRAHAM2417.4032.30210.36
514Rob WARD - Alex PENKLIS1113.8546.15170.36
625Helena DAWSON - Tony ONG1314.4760.62120.36
722Stephen WILLIAMS - Jessica BRAKE-184.1864.8018
81Nicky STRASSER - Adam EDGTTON-154.9969.7922
96Ben CHOSID - John DE RAVIN-29.3079.0920