State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 3
Swiss Pairs History  

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Giselle MUNDELL - Avril ZETS
12Catherine CHAFFEY - Andrew GOODCHILD210.7010.70130.36
27Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES1815.8226.5280.36
320Paul DALLEY - Lakshmi SUNDERASAN812.8039.3250.36
419Kevin DAVIES - Julian ABEL-154.9944.319
522Stephen WILLIAMS - Jessica BRAKE-38.9553.2611
68Martin BLOOM - Les GREWCOCK1615.2868.5470.36
73Axel JOHANNSSON - Arthur RAMER-213.3871.9210
812Dennis ZINES - Tom MOSS-174.4576.3715
910Jane BEEBY - Michael WILKINSON-67.9084.2717