2017 Double Bay New Year Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 3
Match Scores Round 2 

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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
1David WURTH - David FRYDA1417424
24Rakesh KUMAR - Julian ABEL913386
10Catherine ZHANG - Cevat EMUL3221442
18George BILSKI - Catherine CUNIO1693214
3Helen LOWRY - Jane BEEBY1072916
20Warren DOBES - Witold CHYLEWSKI (JUN)3223451
16Helena DAWSON - Colin BAKER3324433
27Ann BAKER - Christine SUTHERLAND762620
31Helen LAVINGS - Judy PERL21153412
28Marion BURTENSHAW - Sonia YOUNG20153313
6Craig TABERNER - Mary Anne HINGERTY12123015
13Nevena DJUROVIC - Rena KAPLAN1918368
9George FLEISCHER - Mathew VADAS942028
7David HUDSON - Paul LAVINGS4225415
14Judy ZHU - Shu Liang YANG1192424
5Wayne ZHU - Terry BODYCOTE2721368
30Anthony BURKE - Joe BARDA3921368
25Vivienne NABARRO - Colin MCGREGOR2192325
23Paul DALLEY - Andrew PEAKE24132719
21Frances LYONS - Liz SYLVESTER28152818
29Brenda KAPLAN - Marlene FRANKS21132522
22Gary SNOW - Damien CZAPNIK27172916
15Zona TRIPP - Milly TEITLER511231
12Eugene GRACZYNSKI - Wieslaw PRZEWOZNIAK5325377
32Malcolm OLIVESTONE - Fran MARTIN3425368
11Juliet DUNWORTH - Maria PAGE141430
19Tony BOND - Susie BERGER26172522
4Elliott KAPLAN - Bernard EDELSTEIN21132127
26Terry BROWN - Jackie BARUCH27192620
2Elizabeth GILBERT - Peter GILL17111829
17Neil WILLIAMS - Peter FITZMAURICE29202325
8Simon STANCU - Andrew MARKOVICS1691231