2017 Central Coast Super Congress
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 3
Swiss Pairs Restricted/Novice History  

Click on the opponent's number to display the match results
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Berenice AIR - Stephanie MATHEWS
119Colin KLEINIG - Jane STEPHENS-29.149.1419
223Jean MORAN - Rhonda NIX-86.8816.0225
312Molly O'NEILL - Beverley SIVEWRIGHT612.4228.44210.19
433Peter CLOUGHESSY - Stephen CALCROFT4019.7448.1870.19
52Carol ANDERSON - Jurate LAISVE512.0560.2370.19
627John RUSSELL - Judith PARSONS-135.3265.5513
714Patricia AUSTIN - Pamela TOWNSEND-19.5675.11160.10