State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 7
Qualifying History  

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Martin BLOOM - Tony NUNN
122Leigh FORAN - Theo MANGOS-38.548.5427
211Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES-125.0813.6232
39Pedro SAAVEDRA - Matt SMITH913.9027.52220.36
427Kim MORRISON - Mike HUGHES-154.1731.6930
510Ferenc BUDAI - Margaret KLASSEN110.5042.19280.18
618Helena DAWSON - Carola HOOGERVORST311.4653.65250.36
724Kevin DAVIES - Rakesh KUMAR913.9067.55220.36
834Brian BEDKOBER - Dennis ZINES2618.3885.93140.36
923Peter JEFFERY - Robert SEBESFI913.9099.83100.36