State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 6
Qualifying History  

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Julian FOSTER - David WESTON
116Michael WILKINSON - David WILTSHIRE210.9910.99130.36
234Brian BEDKOBER - Dennis ZINES-430.0010.9934
34Richard MCAULIFFE - Theo ANTOFF210.9921.98320.36
438Liz FANOS - Tanya RENAUD813.5335.51250.36
529Lorna ICHILCIK - Lynn KALMIN210.9946.50220.36
619Maurits VAN DER VLUGT - Andre KORENHOF1616.1162.61180.36
714Adam EDGTTON - Helen HORWITZ1716.3878.99110.36
826Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES1616.1195.1050.36
911Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES2518.19113.2940.36