State Swiss Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 6
Qualifying History  

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Junkai ZHOU - You HU
120Julian ABEL - Wayne SMITH210.9910.99130.36
213Vicky WEI - Jack CHEN1816.6427.6380.36
37Christophe RHODES - Nico RANSON-76.8534.4812
426Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES-242.0136.4921
530Paul DALLEY - Joshua GOLOMBICK-125.0841.5729
638Liz FANOS - Tanya RENAUD2017.1258.69220.36
727Kim MORRISON - Mike HUGHES1114.5973.28150.36
86Sophie ASHTON - Peter GILL-57.6780.9519
933Sally CLARKE - Garry CLARKE1515.8396.78140.36