2015 Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 2 | cross table
Open Final History  

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Robert SEBESFI - Richard DOUGLAS
18Brian BEDKOBER - Robert KROCHMALIK-222.798.799
212Michael WILKINSON - Mathew VADAS612.5721.3670.84
35Barbara MCDONALD - Alan WALSH-86.6928.058
42William ZHANG - Michael WU512.1840.2360.84
56Richard MCAULIFFE - Leigh MATHESON-222.7943.029
63Nicholas RODWELL - Fraser REW-77.0650.0811
79David WILTSHIRE - Sophie ASHTON-380.2050.2812
87Julian FOSTER - David WESTON-183.7153.9912
910Maurits VAN DER VLUGT - Andre KORENHOF-57.8261.8112
101Mike HUGHES - Kim MORRISON-57.8269.6312
1111Nicoleta GIURA - Nick HUGHES4620.0089.63110.84