2014 ANC Butler Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 7
Open and Women's History  

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Liam MILNE - Pauline POTTS
112Lorna ICHILCIK - Rena KAPLAN-97.107.1031
246Tanya RENAUD - Jim BROWN311.0518.15280.56
318George FINIKIOTIS - Gary LANE-175.0723.2238
443Dennis ZINES - Tom MOSS-136.0329.2542
541Garry CLARKE - Sally CLARKE-97.1036.3543
624Don HUANG - Jack CHEN3518.1454.49330.56
716Carola HOOGERVORST - Andre KORENHOF311.0565.54290.56
830Robert WARD - Naomi WAIZER2917.2482.78200.56