2014 ANC Butler Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 5
Open and Women's History  

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Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES
124Don HUANG - Jack CHEN712.3112.31180.56
229David HUDSON - Anita CURTIS1514.4626.7780.56
331Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER-19.6436.41110.28
426Catherine CHAFFEY - Wayne SMITH3317.8654.2740.56
55Giselle MUNDELL - Nevena DJUROVIC-87.3961.666
69Marilyn CHADWICK - Toni SHARP1113.4575.1150.56
73Margaret FOSTER - Elizabeth FANOS-38.9584.066
82Cathryn HERDEN - Patsy MCCARTNEY-450.6684.7218