2014 ANC Butler Pairs
results | boards | match scores | draw for round 4
Open and Women's History  

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Bijan ASSAEE - Margaret KLASSEN
137Tina ZINES - Tony ONG1113.4513.45140.56
240Mannie ICHILCIK - Peter COX-38.9522.4017
326Catherine CHAFFEY - Wayne SMITH-67.9930.3919
430Robert WARD - Naomi WAIZER511.7042.09180.56
544Rakesh KUMAR - Steven BOCK1313.9756.06130.56
618George FINIKIOTIS - Gary LANE1113.4569.51120.56
729David HUDSON - Anita CURTIS-273.0972.6019
828Nick FAHRER - Michael CARTMELL912.9085.50170.56