2013 Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | cross table | pair rankings | draw for round 9
Seniors' ITS Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 8 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

122Michael DRAPER - Normand MACLAURIN893.089.7
252Dennis ZINES - Tom MOSS874.066.6
351Martin BLOOM - George BILSKI875.062.8
421Alex YEZERSKI - Charles KLASSEN836.027.4
533Steven BOCK - Kevin DAVIES119.017.5
682John MCILRATH - Frank BUDAI810.013.5
761David VAUGHAN - Richard DOUGLAS8-3.0-0.7
871Noel TOBIN - Julianne ROCKS8-1.0-2.3
941Kinga MOSES - Neville MOSES8-1.0-6.1
1034George FINIKIOTIS - Liz FANOS1-8.0-8.1
1172Judy MARKS - Adam RUTKOWSKI8-10.0-10.4
1242Marcia SCUDDER - John SCUDDER8-24.0-12.9
1331George FINIKIOTIS - Steven BOCK7-17.0-18.1
1432Lester KALMIN - Kevin DAVIES7-21.0-18.3
1511Peter LIVESEY - Chris DIBLEY8-30.0-20.5
1662Ross STUART - Leo GOOREVICH8-41.0-33.5
1781Liz QUITTNER - John MOTTRAM8-32.0-35.8
1812Tom KISS - Tony ONG8-119.0-110.9