2013 Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | cross table | pair rankings | draw for round 13
Seniors' ITS Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 12 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

151Martin BLOOM - George BILSKI1291.082.4
252Dennis ZINES - Tom MOSS1278.075.5
322Michael DRAPER - Normand MACLAURIN1260.058.7
433Steven BOCK - Kevin DAVIES549.052.1
561David VAUGHAN - Richard DOUGLAS1245.042.9
641Kinga MOSES - Neville MOSES1221.018.5
734George FINIKIOTIS - Liz FANOS516.015.9
882John MCILRATH - Frank BUDAI12-7.00.1
911Peter LIVESEY - Chris DIBLEY12-8.0-0.8
1021Alex YEZERSKI - Charles KLASSEN127.0-2.6
1162Ross STUART - Leo GOOREVICH12-16.0-18.8
1231George FINIKIOTIS - Steven BOCK7-17.0-19.5
1332Lester KALMIN - Kevin DAVIES7-21.0-19.6
1442Marcia SCUDDER - John SCUDDER12-26.0-20.1
1572Judy MARKS - Adam RUTKOWSKI12-31.0-23.7
1671Noel TOBIN - Julianne ROCKS12-28.0-24.8
1781Liz QUITTNER - John MOTTRAM12-94.0-98.0
1812Tom KISS - Tony ONG12-119.0-118.1