2013 Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 10 | cross table
Open Final Match Scores Round 9 

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PairNamesIMPsVPsTotal VPsRank
12Bob RICHMAN - Jane DAWSON3611.7112.952
9George FINIKIOTIS - Milan DUROVIC318.384.399
10Susan CROMPTON - Michael WILKINSON3715.9990.548
8Nick FAHRER - Michael CARTMELL154.0181.4311
7Stephen HURLEY - Brad COLES3015.58103.53
11Axel JOHANSSON - Arthur RAMER104.4279.7412
1Orlando WU - Andrew PEAKE2311.05119.291
6Chris SUNDSTROM - Dennis ZINES208.9593.866
2Kim MORRISON - Mike HUGHES197.9992.147
5Martin BLOOM - Nigel ROSENDORFF2512.01101.364
3Robert KROCHMALIK - Paul LAVINGS137.9982.7810
4Robert SEBESFI - Andrew MARKOVICS1912.0198.025