2013 Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 7 | cross table
Open Final Results Round 6 

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112Bob RICHMAN - Jane DAWSON16.5583.01
25Martin BLOOM - Nigel ROSENDORFF6.8279.2
31Orlando WU - Andrew PEAKE12.6177.95
42Kim MORRISON - Mike HUGHES15.3770.42
54Robert SEBESFI - Andrew MARKOVICS7.3967.75
67Stephen HURLEY - Brad COLES13.1865.49
711Axel JOHANSSON - Arthur RAMER7.3959.31
88Nick FAHRER - Michael CARTMELL12.6159.27
96Chris SUNDSTROM - Dennis ZINES3.4557.31
1010Susan CROMPTON - Michael WILKINSON4.6356.2
119George FINIKIOTIS - Milan DUROVIC16.3752.95
123Robert KROCHMALIK - Paul LAVINGS3.6351.14