2011 John Arkinstall State Open Team Finals
results | match scores | boards | cross table | pair rankings | draw for round 2
Round Robin Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 1 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

171Sartaj HANS - Helena DAWSON134.017.0
282Theo MANGOS - Leigh FORAN130.015.0
362Avril ZETS - Rita NAILAND118.09.0
421David SMEE - Tom GOODYER114.07.0
581Stephen HURLEY - Liz HURLEY14.02.0
622Steven BOCK - Kevin DAVIES13.01.5
752Adam EDGTTON - Andrew PEAKE11.00.5
831David TUCKER - Michael JOHNSON10.00.0
872Martin BLOOM - Peter GILL10.00.0
1061Judy MOTT - Giselle MUNDELL1-1.0-0.5
1141Witold CHYLEWSKI (JUN) - Linda AUBUSSON1-3.0-1.5
1212Ken BERRY - Normand MACLAURIN1-4.0-2.0
1342David BOGA - Rosa PANG1-14.0-7.0
1451Pauline GUMBY - Warren LAZER1-18.0-9.0
1511Paul MCGRATH - Robyn FLETCHER1-30.0-15.0
1632Greg MAYO - Sharon MAYO1-34.0-17.0