2022 Newcastle Congress
results | boards | cross table | match scores | pair rankings | draw for round 3
Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 2 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

162Jaan OITMAA - Sylvia FOSTER263.057.5
271Jake ANDREW - Frances LYONS240.029.3
372Shirley CROCKETT - Noel CROCKETT231.027.3
492Mark GUTHRIE - Julie GUTHRIE232.024.8
5131Grant GAMAGE - Graham WOODS227.021.5
621Paul MCGRATH - Michael SIMES227.017.3
742John STUART - Deanna STUART217.015.8
822Chris DIBLEY - Michael SELDON215.013.3
9101Christine CHANDLER - Judy ATKINS25.012.3
1051David WESTON - Julian FOSTER210.011.8
11162Wanda LITTLE - Merlyn MORRIS2-2.08.8
1211Jan CLARKE - Di COATS21.05.5
13112Vincia MARTIN - Giles MARTIN27.03.5
1452Sharon MAYO - Greg MAYO23.02.3
15161Carol PARKER - Sharon VERSTEEGE2-5.0-1.3
1661Chris HANNAN - Lorraine LINDSAY2-4.0-1.5
17142David CORNEY - Margaret CORNEY2-10.0-4.5
1841Jody SWAINE - Paul ROOMS2-8.0-5.3
1981Roy HARDY - Kay RICH2-10.0-6.3
20102Jan NICOL - Margaret GEDDES2-12.0-6.5
21151Charmaine PATTISON - Nigel EVES23.0-7.8
2232Bernie ADCOCK - Janet HILL2-4.0-8.5
23121Sarah EDELMAN - Ron SZANCER2-10.0-9.3
24132Ian VAN ALTENA - Howard BRIDGMAN2-3.0-10.3
2591Margaret OWEN - Sunny PANG2-5.0-10.5
26122Line DAVIDSON - Sam YORK23.0-13.0
27111Colleen WILSON - Norma KEITH2-32.0-15.5
28152Sandra MACKENZIE - Robyn GEALE2-16.0-19.8
29141Peter GOODWIN - Ailsa KEARNEY2-34.0-26.8
3031Don MILLER - Sharron MARTON2-32.0-27.0
3182Pam ROBINSON - Peter PETERSON2-41.0-30.3
3212Sally CLARKE - Garry CLARKE2-56.0-46.8