2022 Central Coast Congress Online
results | boards | cross table | match scores | pair rankings | draw for round 2
Teams Pairs ranked by Datum Score after Round 1 

Modified Datum represents your total datum score adjusted to take into account
the average score of the pairs you have played against.

181Les GREWCOCK - Cevat EMUL130.015.0
2172Mark GUTHRIE - Julie GUTHRIE127.013.5
3232Michael CHEN - Xiao YANG123.011.5
482Catherine ZHANG - Avril ZETS120.010.0
4151Paul MCGRATH - Michael SIMES120.010.0
632Marilyn CHADWICK - Kim MORRISON117.08.5
6171Margaret OWEN - Sunny PANG117.08.5
831Garry CLARKE - Sally CLARKE116.08.0
9201Liz SYLVESTER - George FLEISCHER111.05.5
1011Janet BROWN - Anne JACKSON110.05.0
1071Mitch DOWLING - Heath HENN110.05.0
10152Chris DIBLEY - Peter LIVESEY110.05.0
1322Chris DEPASQUALE - Rosemary MOONEY19.04.5
14131Lorraine LINDSAY - Richard CARTER18.04.0
15202Yumin LI - Axel JOHANNSSON17.03.5
1641Jan CLARKE - Di COATS16.03.0
17101Bina KASSAM - Brian JACOBSON15.02.5
17111Rakesh KUMAR - Steven BOCK15.02.5
17141Helen LOWRY - Jane BEEBY15.02.5
2092Jean HYDLEMAN - Michele TREDINNICK14.02.0
20221Coral WILLIAMSON - Margaret EAST14.02.0
22132Sylvia FOSTER - Jaan OITMAA13.01.5
23231Wei ZHANG - William ZHANG12.01.0
24222Carlyn DUN - Peter DUN1-2.0-1.0
25161Kit MEYERS - Kerry RYMER1-3.0-1.5
2621Joan BUTTS - Michael COURTNEY1-4.0-2.0
26192Kathy DUKE - Sue HAPEK1-4.0-2.0
2812Marjorie ASKEW - William POWELL1-5.0-2.5
28102Jennifer ROTHWELL - Denise BARNES1-5.0-2.5
28112Nick HUGHES - Nicoleta GIURA1-5.0-2.5
3172Margaret FOSTER - Colin CLIFFORD1-6.0-3.0
32211Hans VAN WEEREN - Peter ROBINSON1-7.0-3.5
33162Fiona FAWCETT - Jenny BARNES1-8.0-4.0
3491Marelle IRVINE - Barbara GREEN1-9.0-4.5
3542Sharon MAYO - Greg MAYO1-10.0-5.0
3551John DONOVAN - Perelle SCALES1-10.0-5.0
35142Julianne ROCKS - Linda AUBUSSON1-10.0-5.0
38212Nimal WEERASINGHE - Whalley ROBIN1-11.0-5.5
3962Steve COLLING - Mary COLLING1-16.0-8.0
4061Nick EDGINTON - Rhonda GRAHAM1-17.0-8.5
40122Alfie NATION - Gwen WHITE1-17.0-8.5
4252Morag LOKAN - Chris LOKAN1-20.0-10.0
42181Jay NOVAK - Peta DRAKE1-20.0-10.0
44191Shannon QUEREE - Sandy BOYD1-23.0-11.5
45121Elizabeth LAWRENCE - Henrietta HOHNEN1-27.0-13.5
46182Mary POYNTEN - Tony WHITE1-30.0-15.0