2022 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 4
ITS Swiss Pairs History  

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Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES
114Aleksandar MILOVANOVIC - Cevat EMUL411.6411.6480.14
22Jeanette ABRAMS - Julianne ROCKS-2.638.7720.418
313Avril ZETS - Helena DAWSON-30.880.0020.4116
416Di COATS - Alan BUSTANY5.8812.4632.87150.14
58Martin CLEAR - Jacky GRUSZKA13.6315.4448.31100.14
615Liz ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE-6.167.5455.8511
76Catherine CHAFFEY - Alexander COOK-5.257.9563.8013
83Liz FANOS - Linda AUBUSSON1.7510.8274.62120.14
94George FINIKIOTIS - Leo GOOREVICH28.6320.0094.6270.14
109Margaret FOSTER - Colin CLIFFORD8.6313.69108.3160.14
111Dennis ZINES - Tina ZINES-7.636.72115.036
125Michael COURTNEY - Giselle MUNDELL-67.54122.578