2022 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 4
ITS Swiss Pairs History  

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Michael COURTNEY - Giselle MUNDELL
13Liz FANOS - Linda AUBUSSON1616.0616.0620.14
212Andy SEBESTYEN - Frank BUDAI1.510.8226.8830.14
34George FINIKIOTIS - Leo GOOREVICH2.2510.8237.7040.14
413Avril ZETS - Helena DAWSON-2.888.7746.475
511Judith TOBIN - Liz SYLVESTER5.7512.4658.9340.14
61Dennis ZINES - Tina ZINES14.7715.7574.6820.14
79Margaret FOSTER - Colin CLIFFORD-12.634.8779.554
815Liz ADAMS - Andrew PEAKE1616.0695.6140.14
96Catherine CHAFFEY - Alexander COOK25.6319.10114.7110.14
1010Yumin LI - Peter JEFFERY15.516.06130.7710.14
1114Aleksandar MILOVANOVIC - Cevat EMUL2217.90148.6710.14
127Nazife BASHAR - Kinga MOSES612.46161.1310.14