2022 Open Interstate Teams Selection
results | match scores | boards | draw for round 4
ITS Swiss Pairs History  

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Yumin LI - Peter JEFFERY
11Dennis ZINES - Tina ZINES-12.884.874.8713
218Emi KAIWA - Alex PENKLIS6.8812.8717.74130.14
38Martin CLEAR - Jacky GRUSZKA3.511.6429.3890.14
414Aleksandar MILOVANOVIC - Cevat EMUL-9.55.9035.2811
517Ruth TOBIN - Helene PITT3.2511.2346.51110.14
616Di COATS - Alan BUSTANY4.0911.6458.15100.14
72Jeanette ABRAMS - Julianne ROCKS18.2516.6874.8360.14
813Avril ZETS - Helena DAWSON4.6312.0586.8850.14
99Margaret FOSTER - Colin CLIFFORD7.6313.28100.1650.14
105Michael COURTNEY - Giselle MUNDELL-15.53.94104.107
116Catherine CHAFFEY - Alexander COOK27.3819.40123.5040.14
1211Judith TOBIN - Liz SYLVESTER5.6312.46135.9640.14